In case you can't take the 1 minute 49 seconds it takes to watch this, here's what Mr. Jones has to say.
- There are almost as many guns in America as people: 300,000 guns, 323,000 people: 2X as many guns per capita as 50 years ago .
- Americas represent 4% of the world population, yet own 48% of the privately held guns.
- Not all Americans own guns: 50% of the guns are in the hands of 3% of the people.
- The average gun-owning household has 8 guns.
- After Sandy Hook (2012), 24 states made it easier to get guns, and sales increased in all of those states.
- There have been 300 U.S. shootings since 2013.
- Mass shootings, horrible as they are, account for only 1/10 of 1% of gun deaths. The rest are person-on-person.
- In 2018 (that's only 2 months), 30 people have died in mass shootings in the U.S. 1,817 have died in other gun deaths in the U.S.
- Finally, since 1970, more people have died by guns in America than in every war since the American Revolution.
Perhaps you remember that the Australian's endured a mass shooting at a children's camp in 1996, called The Port Arthur (Tasmania) massacre. 35 deaths, 24 more injured. They did not eliminate guns, as some 2nd Amendment supporters claim. To read the specifics see;_ylt=AwrSbmNjKIZaxbwAjasL5gt.;_ylu=X3oDMTByNWU4cGh1BGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzYw--?qid=20090418123055AAuM5Dy
The resulting laws have not completely eliminated gun violence, but they have curbed it dramatically.
I'll close by saying that I'm sorry to present such a disturbing piece, but I think we can all benefit from seeing ourselves from afar. And of course, by remembering that the Australians are our friends.
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